Thursday, January 5, 2017
I am not sure if your children remember me, but when I was a small child, we lived down the street from you and Harold. My mom's name is Joyce Slocum. You use to watch us, as my mom told us. When I was a small child, my mom brought me back to your house and had us sit beside Harold's bedside as he lay in his bed. I feel like he was really sick. I remember feeling really sad. I remember one of your son's, he use to drink water from a mason jar. Also you had a daughter, but I cannot remember names. It was a long time ago. My mom was married to Fred Slocum. Anyways, I would love to talk to your children. I am now 47 years old and living in California. I am so sad to see your name here. My thoughts and prayers go out to your family.
I hope to hear from someone, I have questions.
Patty Slocum